
Two New Reviews of SUMMIT!

After screenings, I tend to google my name and the film's title for a few days to see if I come across any reviews or social media mentions, and I was pleasantly surprised to see two today! 


The first is from ScreenRelish (a site that's kind of a big deal - has a big following) and is a very positive review! Based on how they describe the upcoming screenings of the film, I assume they came across it via the Joblo article from last month. I had sent JoBlo a streaming link in case they wanted to review it and it seems ScreenRelish got the link from them.  


The other is from 411Mania (not a site I've heard of, but also has a very decent social media following) and was definitely from the Scare-A-Con screening. It's not a positive review, but not completely negative. It's actually surprisingly flattering despite the writer not fully enjoying the film! I think what they expected to get out of the film is not what I/we aimed to do with it. But their feedback is appreciated nonetheless. Their opinion is sure to be shared by many horror fans. But I'm proud of the direction we went with Summit and it's nice to see 2 out of 3 reviewers (so far) appreciated it.  (Scroll down.)

A Review of SUMMIT!

In my recap of the Scare-A-Con screening, I wrote that we noticed an audience member taking notes and assumed he was writing a review. Well, we were right! He tweeted at us with a link. Here it is:

It's pretty revealing of the plot, but I'm okay with sharing it because it's really nice being able to share an unbiased perspective on the film, and I appreciate what he had to say about it! I hope you enjoy the review too, whether you've seen the film already or not. Hopefully there will be more to come!
