CongestedCat is Casting

  • "ENOUGH" (a 15 minute short)

Director/Producer/Writer: Christina Raia


The lives of three women collide in one night when two of them decide to rob the house that the other is house sitting. 


SANDRA: Mid 20s, Latina/Mixed Race/Ethnically Ambiguous. She's the leader of the heist. Does not come from money or a nice neighborhood, so has a tough exterior that alludes to a lifetime of learning how to get by & survive. She's smart - always thinking ahead. Aggressive when need be, and can appear hotheaded when pissed off, but is actually quite calm and calculated. She has a take charge and do what needs to be done attitude. A young single mom, though this is just alluded to, never seen or mentioned.  

*Production will happen on location over a weekend in Fall 2016 on Long Island. There will also be blocking rehearsal(s) and a table read in August. 

Copy & IMDb credit, meals & transportation provided. Film will be submitted to festivals and eventually distributed online.

All submissions & inquiries to be sent to:

 Please include headshot, resume and reel footage. Will initially request a video audition before callbacks with the already cast actors.