We did it! We got the Green Light!

Hello wonderful Supporters,

I will write a much more eloquent thank you when the campaign ends 24 hours from now (2:01pm tomorrow), but I just want to say thank you so much for getting us here. We've hit 80% and will get to keep the money we've raised so far. The films will get made and everyone in the crew and cast will be paid! That's amazing and that could not have happened without you, so I send you a million thank yous because Kelsey, the team and I could not be more grateful!

We're hoping to use this last day of our campaign to get as close to our full $20,000 goal as possible so that we don't have to cut corners on equipment or not have a safety net of contingency cash. Please help us with this final big push by sharing the campaign on Facebook & Twitter, and emailing or personally sharing it with anyone who you believe may be interested in our films, our team or our mission statement. Let's make this last day count! 

Tweet of the Day: Less than 1 day left for @CongestedCat Shorts #crowdfunding on @seedandspark! #SupportIndieFilm & get them to 100%! bit.ly/CongestedCatShorts

Thanks again,


P.S. Kelsey needs to have a jam session & I need to have a photo session with my cats once this campaign is over so that we can finish up our thank you cat memes and personalized jingles! We will try to release all of them by the end of next week. Thanks for your patience :)