Presenting IndieWorks (Film Series)

Hey Indie Film Community... Listen up!

Just wanted to check in and say "hi" and let you in on something that's kind of a big deal.  eginning in June, we're hosting a film series for the NYC Indie Film Community named "IndieWorks." This film series is something Christina has been wanting to do for some time now, and there's never been a better opportunity than the present to kick things off.

Each month we'll select 10 films to feature, followed by a Q&A session with the filmmakers, and award Audience Choice and Best of Fest awards to the winning shorts. Those winning filmmakers will be featured on video right here discussing their upcoming projects, experiences, and passion for working within the industry. Admission is free, and film submissions are as well.

Let's discover shorts, find an audience, and build the city's indie film community. It's our mission with IndieWorks. Help us achieve it, together. 

For more details, check out the IndieWorks page.