' Come Here Often?' Festival Run Concluded

After screening at the Katra Film Series, Cinema Night, Reel Works of NYC & making it to the Best of Katra in association with the East Harlem Film Festival, "Come Here Often?" screened this past Friday at the International Film Festival of Manhattan. Unfortunately, none of us could attend but we've received great feedback from guests who reached out to us through the inter-webs. It has a special place in our hearts at CongestedCat, being our first production as a team and having been so well received over the last two years.

Unless a film series or festival requests the film for screening, this concludes the festival run for CHO. If you never got a chance to see it on the big screen, it's available below for viewing. Watch it and let us know what your favorite lines are on our Facebook page or @CongestedCat on Twitter! #comehereoften