Short Films

Catching Up


Sorry for not posting more frequently; we’ve been doing some serious housekeeping here at CongestedCat. “Come Here Often?’ is finished and has been submitted to festivals. We’ll let you know what comes of its submissions next summer. In the meantime, we’re keeping it under wraps for a festival premiere. We’ll let you know how you can see it as soon as we can though!

Since our last update, Christina & Ryan collaborated on a comedic musical sketch as a class project, “Bohemian Rhapsody- A Short-Sex Musical”, currently in post-production.

Christina also directed another comedic short, “S.K.A.” this month and has big festival plans for it later this year. The biggest news is that we’re undertaking our first feature and will be producing it in 2013. Pre-production has already begun and we’ve already cast some of our leading actors. We will be launching a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds, so keep an eye out! We’ll post the link once we’ve launched.


That's A Wrap!

“Come Here Often?” was a successful shoot! Thank you to everyone who was a part of it. We had a few setbacks, like our lead actress, Emma, getting sick the morning of! But we rolled with the punches and believe we have a pretty hilarious film on our hands.

To post-production we go!

Kickstarter a Success!

Our kickstarter campaign has been successful! Thank you so much to those of you who supported us! We’ve set our production date, June 19th, and we’re working on making the film the best it possibly can be now that we have our funding. We’ll keep you updated!