CongestedCat Buzz


Review and Q&A on our 2020 Short Films

"Christina Raia is what I like to call a female filmmaker super hero. She’s paving the way for womxn filmmakers in story, style and creative approaches to the industry. She’s always harnessing her environment, whatever it may be, to make her films work and defy any trace of formulaic structure. I love that about her.” - Rebecca Martin, Cinema Femme


About a Donkey Review

"The film is about family and the individual struggles we each deal with. Through performances that are committed, especially the daughters, there’s a poignant tether that makes it a joy to start and heartwarming to finish. The movie provides a lens to our own vulnerabilities and capitalizes on the notion that happiness in any capacity should be sought. Even if that means getting a donkey." Kristy Strouse, Film Inquiry


Summit Review

"Raia has chosen to veer away from gimmicky themes of traditional slasher movies to concentrate on the characters. ...what Summit lacks in polish it certainly makes up for in creativity with Raia cleverly playing with tension and slow-pacing to produce a suspenseful thriller that will both shock and unsettle you." -Donna Kelly, ScreenRelish


“Kelsey” End-Of-Year Feature

Kelsey, the webseries is an IndieWire Critic’s Pick!

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“Kelsey” Write-Up & Episode Embed

“Finally, there's a web series to make us forget we're staring at a computer and not something way cooler like the TV. Kelsey, now on Blip.TV, is just as funny and maybe twice as smart as anything airing on primetime.”

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“Kelsey” Feature

Kelsey, the webseries is listed on BuzzFeed as a must watch!

These are just highlights. Check out the Press section of our blog for all the buzz about our work.